Ross McCulloch My research focuses on the creation of new instrumental methods and techniques which allow us to study complex biogeochemical cycling processes with marine environments.
Ben O’Connor No profile information at the moment.
Carmen Holmes-Smith Investigating patterns between extreme run-up and the offshore wave field with the aim of developing a better forecasting system for wave hazards in Tofino, B.C.
Brandon McNabb My project is examining the dynamics behind marine sulfur cycling using a combination of experimental and modelling techniques.
Nazanin Shamshiri I got my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Amirkabir University of Technology, AKA Tehran Polytechnic. I am currently a MSc student in Computer Science at University of Victoria interested in data science. My thesis will focus on data visualization and design studies in ocean sciences. I am currently working with scientists from […]
Jose Valentí Muelas My research aims to include a microbial loop and microplastics dynamics into the SalishSeaCast, a high-resolution ocean model of the Salish Sea. The first piece of my research focuses on describing microplastics distribution, dynamics and fate within the Salish Sea. To do so, I am using SalishSeaCast output to run Ocean Parcels, a […]
Geena Littel In short, I study the seismotectonics offshore and onshore western British Columbia. My PhD is aimed at better understanding big-picture tectonics of western British Columbia by studying the diverse flavors of seismicity, from slow fault slip and tectonic tremor in the Cascadia subduction zone to microseismicity offshore in the Queen Charlotte Triple Junction […]
Mohamed Ahmed My research is focusing on budgeting the oxygen uptake in the North Pacific using a combination of observations (e.g., Argo floats) and machine learning techniques.
Rebecca Beutel I’m looking at the path of and composition of water entering and leaving the Salish Sea through the Juan de Fuca Strait, by applying Lagrangian particle tracking to three-dimensional physical-biological-chemical ocean circulation models of the region. This knowledge will tell us about the net fluxes of biogeochemical tracers such as dissolved inorganic carbon […]
Wasja Bloch I study ocean dynamics and biogeochemical cycling in the Canadian Arctic using models of trace elements Mn and Pb within a coupled sea-ice ocean model. Building on observations in this region, these models help enhance our understanding of this unique environment and assist the interpretation of future climate-related changes.
Birgit Rogalla I study ocean dynamics and biogeochemical cycling in the Canadian Arctic using models of trace elements Mn and Pb within a coupled sea-ice ocean model. Building on observations in this region, these models help enhance our understanding of this unique environment and assist the interpretation of future climate-related changes.
Andrea Scott My Research Interests include: For more information: Supervised Students
Matías Salibián-Barrera Professor Salibián-Barrera’s research interests are in the areas of robustness, functional data analysis, computational statistics and spatial statistics. He was the winner of the CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics (2015) for his contributions to robust statistics and for developing fast computational algorithms for robust procedures. Supervised Students
Charles Perin Charles Perin is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Victoria, where he co-leads the Victoria Interactive eXperiences with Information (//X) research group specializing in Human-Computer Interaction and Information Visualization. He and his students are interested in designing and studying new interactions for visualizations, in understanding how people may make […]
Raymond Ng I have been engaging in analyzing sensor network data for over 10 years. One of the key techniques we have been working on has been outlier detection in data streams or time series. For many monitoring applications, identifying abnormal events is an important analytic task. Some of our studies in outlier detection from large datasets were published over […]
Jody Klymak Physical oceanography: waves, turbulence, fronts, eddies; processes that dissipate energy from the mean ocean circulation and mediate the mixing of momentum, heat, salt, and passive tracers. Our group collects and analyzes seagoing data, and create numerical experiments designed to help us understand small scale ocean flows, and their impacts on large scale flows. […]
Lindsey Heagy I am interested in using Inverse Theory and Machine Learning to build models with geophysical data, with a major emphasis is on the use of electrical and electromagnetic data. Some applications include geologic carbon capture and storage and environmental studies such as locating and classifying unexploded ordnance from electromagnetic data. Supervised Students
Roberta Hamme Understanding what drives the cycles of gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen is essential to understanding our changing planet. I measure a suite of inert and bioactive gases, like argon and oxygen, to investigate oceanic processes. Dissolved inert gases can tell us about how gases move between the atmosphere and the ocean and […]
Leah Cicon I’ve developed a risk prediction system for rogue waves based on output from a routine wave forecast.
Susan Allen I am a physical oceanographer with skills in fluid mechanics including scaling, analytics, laboratory and numerical modeling. My areas of application include coastal oceanography, mesoscale meteorology and biogeochemical-physical interactions in the ocean. My largest scholarly contributions have been to 1) understand flow over and around topography; particularly canyons, and the resulting impacts on […]
Stephanie Waterman My research aims to advance our understanding of ocean mixing: To do so we are: 1. Pioneering the use of a robotic ocean observing platform (an ‚”ocean glider”) that provides near-continuous, sustained measurements of ocean turbulence and delivers unprecedented views of the ocean mixing environment; 2. Exploiting turbulence parameterizations to infer mixing rates […]
Philippe Tortell My research interests include: Supervised Students
Michael Bostock My research over the past few years has been directed toward two important issues in Solid Earth Science: i) the structure and dynamics of subduction zones; and ii) the formation and evolution of the first continental landmasses. I have addressed these topics using the tools of seismology, and have invested considerable effort in […]